Strange things

I didn’t think I would ever say that, but I have sewn something. No, really, I did! I know, my relationship with sewing has always been somewhere between “I could never do that, why even bother” and “Hm, maybe I should try and learn it. Someday. Later.”

More than a year ago, during a short phase of “Maybe I should learn it NOW”, I bought a Makerist course for beginners (that’s like Craftsy, but in German), checked the materials list, bought fabric and cushions and a kit of things you are supposed to need for sewing – and stashed it all away in my yarn room.

But thanks to a wonderful Ravelry group with lots and lots of awesomly talented sewing geniuses, I began thinking of the course and the materials again and decided to make cushions before we were to leave for Ascona in the beginning of September.

And – drumroll please – I really made it through the first project!


The result were three of these cushions with an evelope opening. I know it looks like they have been made by a total beginner, but that is because they are and I’m proud of them. They live in our bedroom now – I’m not that proud that I wanted to display them in the livingroom.

The next project in the course is another cushion, but this time with a zipper. I tried. I started another three cushions, but these zippers are beyond my skills for now…

Just so I wouldn’t even think of giving up, I checked the projects in a beginner’s book I bought about the same time I bought the video course and promised myself that I would make a bag next.

Back from Ascona, I ordered gorgeous fabric.


The first one is a photo print, I’m not crazy enough to tackle knitted fabric yet  🙂

When the parcel with the fabric arrived yesterday around lunchtime, a little voice in my head began to talk. It told me that these fabrics are too beautiful for me to use and that I was just going to destroy them and that giving up was always an option.

Well, I decided to show that voice who’s boss! Fast forward to this morning (and skip the part where hubby had to repair the sewing maching because I made a lot of thread barf and broke a needle) and I have a bag! With lining even!


Looking at my “leftovers”, I have bought enough fabric to make about a ton of them. Which is a good thing – after I had finished it I learned that I should have washed the fabric before using it because it might shrink. The photo doesn’t show it, but the bag is quite small to begin with – ca. 28 x 30 cm.

Well, at least I will carry around my handkerchief in style now!

2 thoughts on “Strange things”

  1. Hallo Tanja,

    Du bist jetzt auch unter die Näher gegangen? Wie schön. 🙂

    Meld dich, falls du Anleitung, Schnittmuster oder so suchst. Oder einfach mal Hilfe brauchst. Bei mir ist es mit dem Nähen und Stricken ja genau umgekehrt. 😉

    Reißverschluss einnähen ist eigentlich nur halb so schlimm. Du könntest Wondertape von Prym zur Hilfe nehmen. Da klebst du erst alles vor dem Nähen fest. Habe das neulich getestet und mich gefragt, warum ich das vorher immer so umständlich gemacht habe. Alternativ und günstiger als Prym hat Snaply Wondertape im Angebot. Das hat aber meine Maschine sehr verklebt. Von Fabenmix gibt es noch Stylefix, das habe ich mir jetzt neu zum Testen geholt, aber der Test steht noch aus.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Huhu Verena,

      wie schön, dass Du hier bist 🙂 Auf das Angebot komme ich bestimmt mal zurück 🙂 Danke für den Tipp mit dem Wondertape, das klingt ungefähr tausendmal besser als das, was ich versucht habe! Ich gucke gleich, ob ich das hier kriege!

      Liebe Grüsse,


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