
Pattern: None, just spiral socks

Yarn: Regia Super Jacquard Color, Colorway 07203

I love the look of the yarn in the ball, but I don’t care too much for the way it looks knitted up… But at least they are almost done 🙂
Pattern: Simple & Sweet by Hope Vickman
Yarn: Sesia Mistral Kid, Color 551

Pattern: Heel Socks by Veronika Hug

Yarn: Something from Buttinette, but I can’t find it on their website anymore. I think it was called Aloha or Hawaii or something like that.


Pattern: Sebastian’s Scarf

Yarn: Gedifra Air Mix


Pattern: The Great North American Afghan

Yarn: Garnstudio Drops Merino Extra Fine

I should be making a patch for this every month, but I’m missing April and May (but then, it’s only the first of May!) and, as seen on the photo, have to finish February.


This was a top I really wanted last summer. It’s frogged now 🙂


Pattern: Topsy Turvy Shawl or Scarf by Faith Schmidt

Yarn: Garnstudio Drops Cotton Light

I still love this shawl and I will finish it. It’s one of the project that I couldn’t work on anymore when my father in law died last year.


Pattern: Slinky Ribs by Wendy Bernard

Yarn: Garnstudio Drops Baby Alpaca Silk

I had completely forgotten about that one…


Pattern: Pulli mit Flechtmusterpasse, from a German magazine

Yarn: Lang Yarns Kappa

Another one that I was working on last year and couldn’t finish after my father in law died. I’m not sure if I still like it or not…

No photo: Faroese Flower Shawl by Lucy Neatby.

That one is not where it is supposed to be. I guess it’s hiding because it knows that I don’t have enough yarn to finish it and it will be frogged next time I see it. But I love the pattern, I think I’ll start it again someday.

Also no photo: Two patches (April and May) for a crochet afghan from a German magazine. Just as for the GNAA, I haven’t started these two yet.

Okay… I’m a little afraid to count but… I need help.

12 thoughts on “THE TRUTH”

  1. This yarn is bisexual! No wonder you can’t find it in the shop anymore, it’s invisible to the eye of the mortal, hahahaaa.

    Also The Great North American Afghan is really pretty. I hope you finish it one day 🙂

      1. Not your socks, though, the yarn ball is bi! But yes, I’m pretty sure the yarn gathers at secret places and conspires against your finishing of the socks, lol.

  2. Hm, I wonder if socks made of bisexual yarn are bisexual, too… but I guess it’s too late for such philosophical questions 🙂
    Yarn-conspiracy… sounds scary. There’s much more yarn in this house than people!!

    1. I dunno. But if I were you, I’d be more concerned with the question whether or not wearing bisexual socks will make YOU bi. I mean, bi=two and socks come in pairs, so. They are probably highly infectious?! I wouldn’t risk it.

      On the other hand, the perk of being bi is having Sailor Freddie Mercury as your patron saint:×550.jpg That’s pretty awesome! 10/10 would recommend 🙂

      ♫ Socks must go oooooooooooooooon ♫

      1. Also, see how smoothly I make use of my Latin degree? All the torture was totes worth it for this very moment, ahahaa…

      2. But… but… but… my feet are always so cold.
        I guess I have to take the risk, then. I wonder what my poor hubby will think of this… 🙁

        @Freddy Mercury: 😯

      3. Nah, in terms of general attraction the bisexual spectrum has him covered, so he’d be just fine. And by the way, doesn’t he wear his socks and mittens in pairs? Isn’t he a computer magician a.k.a. works with things that require ~binary~ coding? That’s suspicious! Maybe you need to ask HIM important questions? o___Ô’

        … and then you can be warm and cosy and bi together … making plans for yarn based world domination!

    1. But they want to keep world domination plans a secret. Otherwise regular mortals would know that yarn bombing = IT HAS BEGUN!

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